Wednesday, June 1, 2011

daily Image june 1

1.what i see is a man who is free falling in the air, green, brown, yellow
3. alsome, cool, scary, dangrise,amazing
4.that when you is scared of something you should go and concer it

Friday, May 27, 2011

daily Image May 27

1. texture is the way something feels to you like when you touch a cloth it feels rough, smooth, hard and solf at the same time. take one step further is because when they take the picture of how something looks, how it feels when you tough it.
3.the bonus that bricks have is reating patterns and symmetrical shapes too.
4.the texture of leaves and they are interesting is because when you look at a leaf you can see how the outside looks and you can feel how rough it is and how dry it is too. touchable quality of paint is the one you use to finger paint.
6.stone lead itself to texture studies is because when you at a beach you can feel the pebbles of the beach that it is hard, smooth, or sometime they crumbles.
7.some aspecks of wood that are inspiring is when the roots are twisted, some are chopped for fires, the are shavings and you can get splinters too.
8.the that i can find at my school is purse, book bags, and cloths too. quality that rope has plenty of scope in the texture department. ropes can be found is in the gym.
10.metal is a good materiel to the photograph is smooth, cool and reflective, rusty, tarnished, dull and it gives off the age of it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

daily Image May 24

1.what i see is a women made out of rocks.
2.the colors that i see is gray, green, brown, and white too.
3. awesome, amazing, artiste, creative, cool
4.amazing mood because when you look at it you wouldn't notes it until you look closer to it.
5.the meaning of the photograph is to show that when you make a picture you can b creative and try to put a picture in to a picture just to make it harder for somebody else too see what you looking at.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

daily Image May 19

1.what i see is a man standing on top of a hill of dead animals skalls
2.tan n black
3.scary cool creepy awsome n sad
4.sad because it reaminds me of the animals who are being killed by humens means that meny humens are happy to kill aniamls for their body parts.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Daily Response Worksheet may17

1.what i see is people who is bended over on the ground
2.the colors that i see is orange gray pink and white
3.crazy peaceful okay amazing happy
4.bording: cause they just bending over and that it
5.the people are obaning their religion

Thursday, May 5, 2011

may4,2011 daily image

1.what i see is trash with the sunset and a plain flying throw the air
2.purple, blue, orange, black
3.beautiful, relaxingly, awesome, nice, and peaceful
4.peaceful because it calming when u see the sun setting
5. it means that when the sun is setting that it just calming and peaceful too.

Friday, April 29, 2011

daily Image April 29

1.what i see is ice on the ceiling and on the walls too.
2.the colors that i see are blue, brown, black, and some what torques
3. amazing, beautiful, cool, alsome, creative able
4.the mood that it gives me is shocking to see how the water is frozen to the ceiling and the walls to.
5. the photo means that meaning things can happen when it comes to being really cold out side or when it cold on the inside too.